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August Boys Camp Recap


As we move into a new school year, we were able to close out the summer with one last boys camp in August.

This camp was ripe with challenges! It was right after Tropical Storm Debbie hung around the lowcountry, dumping 20" of rain on TRR. Needless to say, it was wet and muddy, and with all that rain came giant mosquitoes!

The mosquitoes were the worst we have ever seen here and being outside in the woods is a recipe for misery for camp. So we made some last second changes.

We kicked off camp in the cottage, instead of the pavilion, with some games of pool, chess, tic-tac-toe, and an icebreaker to get to know each other.

From there, we toook a field trip over to Summitt trampoline park to jump out some morning energy. The boys had a blast jumping the morning away and had a little contest to see who could dunk on the highest basketball rim at the park!

After jumping, we came back to camp for lunch provided by Fort Johnson Baptist Church and an afternoon of swimming. The boys had a blast in the pool, inventing more games as the day went on.

This concludes another summer camp season. We have two more day camps scheduled in September followed by two overnight tent campouts in October.

We are excited for another school year and hope the transition to this new school year has gone smoothly for all of your kiddos.

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